Administration guide to Lucent Sky AVM CLI

2024/7/25 |

This article covers the installation, configuration, and uninstallation of Lucent Sky AVM CLI.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Install Lucent Sky AVM CLI
  • Configure Lucent Sky AVM CLI
  • Update Lucent Sky AVM CLI
  • Uninstall Lucent Sky AVM CLI

At the end, you will be able to install, configure, and uninstall Lucent Sky AVM CLI.

System Requirements

Processor, memory, and hard disk space requirements:

  • Processor: 1.6 GHz processor
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Hard disk space: 200 MB

Lucent Sky AVM CLI can be installed on the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1 and later
  • Windows 7 with SP1 and later

.NET Framework 4.8 is required on Windows.

Lucent Sky AVM CLI can also be installed on the following operating systems:

  • Debian 10 and later[^](## "The Mono Project only test Mono packages on Debian 10, but they should work on newer Ubuntu versions.") (x64)
  • macOS 10.9 and later (Apple silicon and Intel)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 and later[^](## "The Mono Project only test Mono packages on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, and 20.04, but they should work on newer Ubuntu versions.") (x64)

Mono 6.8 or later is required on Debian, macOS, and Ubuntu. Lucent Sky AVM CLI may work on other architectures (such as x86), other operating systems (such as CentOS/REHL, Fedora, and OpenSUSE), or other versions of a supported operating system through Mono as well, but these scenarios are not supported.

Install Lucent Sky AVM CLI

Lucent Sky AVM CLI provides user and system level setups. The user level setup does not require Administrator privileges and installs the CLI to the user Local AppData directory. The system level setup requires Administrator privileges and installs the CLI to Program Files, which will be available to all users in the system.

User level setup

  1. Create the directory %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\CLEAR CLI if it does not already exist.
  2. Extract the content of the Lucent Sky AVM CLI setup file to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\CLEAR CLI.

System level setup

  1. Create the directory C:\Program Files\Lucent Sky\CLEAR CLI if it does not already exist.
  2. Extract the content of the Lucent Sky AVM CLI setup file to C:\Program Files\Lucent Sky\CLEAR CLI.

Configure Lucent Sky AVM CLI

The CLI needs to be configured to use a remote CLEAR Engine instance. This can be done either with the config interface or by editing the configuration file.

Scriptable configuration

  1. Open Windows PowerShell and enter the following command:

     # Replace <InstanceFqdn> with the FQDN or IP address of the CLEAR Engine instance
     $InstanceFqdn = "<InstanceFqdn>"
     .\SkyAnalyzer.Interface.Console.exe --Interface config --Method set --Value "endpoint = ${InstanceFqdn}:5759"

Configuration file

  1. Open C:\Program Files\Lucent Sky\CLEAR CLI\SkyAnalyzer.Interface.Console.exe.config with a text editor.
  2. In the <client> section, locate a group of <endpoint> tags with the binding="netNamedPipeBinding" attribute. Comment out these tags to disable this group of endpoints.
  3. In the <client> section, locate a group of <endpoint> tags with the binding="netTcpBinding" attribute that are commented out. Remove the surrounding comment tags to enable this group of endpoints. Then, replace all occurrences of with the FQDN or IP address of the CLEAR Engine instance.

In the default TCP endpoint configuration, the communication between CLEAR Engine and the CLI is not secure. To learn more about enabling Transport Layer Security for CLEAR Engine and the CLI, view the following article in the Lucent Sky Knowledge Base:
Configure Transport Layer Security

Update Lucent Sky AVM CLI

  1. To update Lucent Sky AVM CLI, uninstall the current version from the system, and install the new version.

Uninstall Lucent Sky AVM CLI

  1. Delete the directory where Lucent Sky AVM CLI is installed.