This article describes how to locate the locations of database and file system storage used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance.
In this article, you will learn how to:
- Locate the SQL Server of the database used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance.
- Locate the location of the file system storage used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance.
At the end, you will be able to locate the locations of the database and file system storage used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance.
Locate the SQL Server of the database used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance
Lucent Sky AVM uses a SQL Server database to store its relational data, such as application settings and scan results. For cluster, this SQL Server instance is used by all nodes of the cluster. The default SQL Server instance is .\SQLEXPRESS, which is the SQLEXPRESS instance on the local SQL Server.
Open Windows PowerShell as administrator and enter the following command to open the CLEAR Engine configuration file with the default text editor:
((Select-Xml -Path "C:\Program Files\Lucent Sky\CLEAR Engine\SkyAnalyzer.Engine.exe.config" -XPath "configuration/connectionStrings/add[@name='AnalysisContext']").Node.ConnectionString | Select-String 'Data Source=(.+?);').Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
If the command returns an error or does not return anything, it indicates that the CLEAR Engine instance configuration file is corrupted. Contact Lucent Sky support.
The output is the domain name or computer name of the SQL Server hosting the database. If the output contains a backward slash, the part after the backward slash is the instance name of the SQL Server.
Locate the location of the file system storage used by a Lucent Sky AVM instance
Lucent Sky AVM uses file system to store files, such as original and remediated source code, reports, and log files. This storage location is also known as storage root. For cluster, this location is used by all nodes of the cluster. The default location of the file system storage is C:\ProgramData\Lucent Sky\CLEAR Engine.
Open Windows PowerShell as administrator and enter the following command to open the instance configuration file with the default text editor:
(Select-Xml -Path "C:\Program Files\Lucent Sky\CLEAR Engine\SkyAnalyzer.config" -XPath "skyAnalyzer/add[@key='StorageRoot']").Node.value
If the command returns an error or does not return anything, it indicates that the CLEAR Engine instance configuration file is corrupted. Contact Lucent Sky support.
The output is the location of the file system storage.