Lucent Sky AVM 3.7 release information

2018/12/26 | 4 minutes to read

This article includes a list the new features and bug fixes that are included in Lucent Sky AVM 3.7, as well as known issues of this release.

For more information about this release, visit the blog post Lucent Sky AVM 3.7 released.

New features and updates included in Lucent Sky AVM 3.7

  • Performance improvements on contextual analysis engine - Improved caching and parallel processing algorithms were added to the contextual analysis engine. Contextual analysis performance is greatly improved on all supported tech stacks, but will be most noticeable on .NET and Java applications with more than (roughly) 100K lines of code.

  • Result suppression on Web UI - Result suppression rules can be automatically generated on the Web UI, and then imported as a Rule Package. A future update will further streamline the process.

  • Source code archive validation on Web UI - The source code archive will be validated before being uploaded to CLEAR Engine to detect common issues such as invalid archive file. In addition, CLEAR Engine also return more precise error messages regarding archive errors.

  • Minor reports and UI improvements - Any customized settings, such as using a custom rule package, will be shown on the report and on the Web UI.

  • Bug fixes

List of fixes included in Lucent Sky AVM 3.7

Scanning Java applications

When scanning a Java application, the alternative Java compiler will be used instead of the primary one. This bug might cause scan to fail on a very small number of Java applications due to compilation failures.

This issue has been resolved in Lucent Sky AVM 3.7.

Known issues of Lucent Sky AVM 3.7

Viewing other users scan results as an administrator

When you signed in as a member of the Administrators group, you cannot view the scan results of an application that you are not the owner nor a member (or a member of a group) of the application.

To workaround this issue, make the Administrators group a member of the application.

This issue is present in Lucent Sky AVM 3.0 to 3.7 and has been resolved in Lucent Sky AVM 3.8.

Batch editing multiple applications

Changes made using batch edit function to edit settings of multiple applications are not saved, if the applications you attempt to edit were created on Lucent Sky AVM 3.5.

To workaround this issue, edit these applications individually.

This issue is present in Lucent Sky AVM 3.5 to 3.7 and has been resolved in Lucent Sky AVM 3.8.