This article includes a list the new features and bug fixes that are included in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809, as well as known issues of this release.
For more information about this release, visit the blog post Lucent Sky AVM version 1809 released.
Updates in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809
Architectural improvements - The bulk of changes in version 1809 are architectural. While these changes not visible to most users, they make Lucent Sky AVM more scalable. In the next several months, new features will be added to take advantage of these architectural changes.
Java build with Ant 1.10 - Java build with Ant 1.10 was introduced in version 1807 as a preview feature, with the goal of improving compatibility with Java applications built with Ant. In version 1809, Ant 1.10 becomes the default Java build and will be used to build Java applications unless Maven (with scan argument "JavaBuild,maven") or Ant 1.9 (with scan argument "JavaBuild,legacy") is specified.
PHP source code analysis - A new source code analyzer is available for PHP, allowing PHP applications to be analyzed without being converted to an intermediate format. The use the legacy IL-based PHP analysis engine, include "AnalysisEngines,1,11" in the scan arguments.
Analysis enhancements - The binary analysis engine and source code analysis engine both received additional security rules for better vulnerability detection and custom security mechanism discovery.
Remediation enhancements - The remediation algorithms received numerous enhancements to improve the accuracy of Instant Fix generation.
MSBuild improvements (NuGet) - MSBuild is now capable of automatically restoring NuGet packages for .NET Core applications.
Web UI improvements - A warning message will now be displayed when the installed license is about to expire or exhaust, or the server is low on resources.
Automated update data migration - Data migration after a version update is now executed automatically, based on the current and target version numbers and data revisions. Due to this change, only version 1804 and later can be updated to version 1809.
Bug fix - Several UI bug fixes and other cosmetic improvements were included in version 1809.
List of fixes included in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809
The error "valid IL was not found" (-62300001) occurs when analyzing a .NET desktop application
When analyzing a .NET application based on Windows Forms or WPF, the scan failed with the error "valid IL was not found" (-62300001). This is caused by a bug resulting MSBuild fails to properly build the application.
This issue has been addressed in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809.
Known issues of Lucent Sky AVM version 1809
External classpaths defined in build.xml are ignored by Ant
If an application has external classpaths defined in its build.xml, they are ignored by Ant. This issue is caused by incorrect behavior by the new Ant compiler. This issue first appeared in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809.
This issue has been resolved in Lucent Sky AVM version 1810.
The Analysis Engines field of some applications does not appear or is empty in the Web UI and reports
This is caused by a data migration bug when updating to Lucent Sky AVM version 1809. This only affects a very small percentage of applications scanned with earlier version of Lucent Sky AVM that use an unique set of scan arguments. This issue first appeared in Lucent Sky AVM version 1809.
This issue has been resolved in Lucent Sky AVM version 1810.