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Lucent Sky AVM version 2209 releases
- Lucent Sky AVM version 2209 MR (build 9.2.5464)
Lucent Sky AVM version 2209 MR
New features in 2209 MR
- Java SE environments without Tomcat to provide faster build performance for non-servlet and non-web Java applications
- Improvements to the JDK build process
Binary analysis
Improvements to the binary analysis engine
A new implementation of the third-generation provides better support for Java applications, automatic recognition for security libraries following OWASP ESAPI conventions, and incremental improvements on analysis performance.
Source code analysis
- Support for iOS 16
- Support for Android API level 32
- General improvements for the source code analysis engines
Contextual analysis
- Accuracy improvements for the contextual analysis engine
Dependency analysis
- General improvements for the dependency analysis engines
- General improvements for the remediation engines
- Additional security features in Application Protection Library for ECMAScript
Weakness policies
- Support for CWE 4.8
Issues fixed in 2209 MR
There is no notable issue fixed in 2209 MR.
Breaking changes in 2209 MR
There is no breaking change in 2209 MR.